End of Financial Year Offer | Life Events Bond

Get 10 basis points off your admin fee for our Life Events Bond for the entire life of your policy.

See Terms and Conditions and Target Market Determination for more details.

This offer ended 30 June, 2024.

As featured in

The Evolving Financial Needs of Australians


The Australian financial landscape is undergoing significant change.


The well documented ‘great intergenerational wealth transfer’ is already underway, and the Federal Government has announced their intention to increase the tax payable on large superannuation balances from 1 July 2025.


Our EOFY offer may assist with building and managing wealth through these changes with ongoing benefits that last for the life of the policy.(1)


Why choose an investment bond?

Investment bonds provide unique tax advantages that support a range of investment and financial planning scenarios

  • Investment Bonds have a maximum tax-rate of 30% which can be further reduced by tax credits.
  • Fully tax-paid after 10-years, with nothing to pay personally while invested and therefore nothing to report to the ATO.
  • No contributions cap in the first year, and contribute up to 125% of the previous years contribution in subsequent years.
  • Funds are accessible anytime without restriction. Where withdrawals are made prior to the 10-year period, earnings are assessed at the marginal tax-rate, minus the 30% offset.
  • Switch between investment options without triggering a tax event.
  • Individual or joint ownership, company or tax structures. Nominate any beneficiary and control how your wealth is transferred.

Unlock even more features with the KeyInvest Life Events Bond

In addition to all the features of standard investment bonds, the KeyInvest Life Events Bond offers several additional features which may assist you to meet your financial goals.

For a full list of features, click here to download the PDS.

Regular Withdrawal Plan
Regular Savings Plan
Progressive Investing Strategy
Auto Portfolio Rebalance
Child Advancement Options
KeyPlanner Beneficiary Nomination
Flexible Investment Options
KeyInvest Mutual Membership

Potential benefits for a range of scenarios

There are many life stages and financial strategies which can utilise the Life Events Bond for tax effective solutions. Explore some of these options below.

Alternative to Super

The Life Events Bond may offer a flexible alternative to superannuation without age restrictions, work test rules, or restrictions imposed by super.

Contribute any amount within the first year, and access funds before retirement age.

Estate Planning

The Life Events Bond is paid out tax-free upon death and has no beneficiary restrictions. When beneficiaries are nominated, they become a non-estate asset, protected from wills & disputes(2).

Customisable features offer control and certainty in how the proceeds are paid or transferred.

Tax Smart Investing

Build wealth tax-effectively with flexible access and contribution features.

With a maximum tax rate of 30%, the Life Events Bond offers a tax-effective way to build wealth when super contribution caps have been reached, or as a superannuation alternative that allows access before retirement age.

Bequest to a Charity

Nominate a charity as a beneficiary, paid tax-free upon death with protection from will & disputes.

The Life Events Bond does not have beneficiary restrictions which makes it an ideal way to bequest to a charity.

Where a beneficiary is nominated, they become a non-estate asset which means they are protected from will and estate disputes and are paid out tax-free upon death.(2)

Investing for Children

Provide a head start for younger generations while controlling access.

Whether it’s for education or a house deposit, the Life Events Bond is a great way to provide a head-start for younger generations.

Leverage our flexible KeyPlanner features to control how and when funds are transferred and accessible to beneficiaries.

Your Investment Options

Enjoy flexibility and choice with over 40 professionally managed Investment options.

A range of index options that keep investment costs down.
Highly rated Australian and overseas fund managers with strong track records.
Multi-sector options delivering diversification across main asset classes.
Build your own portfolio from our 'sector specific' options.

Limited Time Offer

Claim your offer before it’s too late to get 10 basis points of admin fees for the life of your policy.(1)