Our Products

Unit Prices & Performance

For the most up-to-date performance and unit prices refer below, or contact us for more detailed information.

Unit Pricing

We’re committed to offering high-quality products with the aim of delivering exceptional outcomes.

KeyInvest will be temporarily suspending the calculation of unit prices to allow for receipt of annual tax statements from Fund Managers to accurately value our investment options as of 30 June 2024. This suspension will occur from COB Thursday 27th June 2024.

We anticipate the unit price suspension to be in place until approximately mid-July 2024



Effective Date: 27/06/2024
Fund NameFundUnit Price DateBuy PriceSell Price
Conservative Index UFB1 27/06/2024 1.0494 1.0473
Balanced Index UFB2 27/06/2024 1.1177 1.1154
Growth Index UFB3 27/06/2024 1.2104 1.2082
Vanguard Conservative Index LEB1 27/06/2024 1.1787 1.1764
Russell Investments Balanced Fund Class A LEB10 27/06/2024 2.1784 2.1708
Russell Investments Growth Fund Class A LEB11 27/06/2024 2.3771 2.3686
Russell Investments High Growth Fund Class A LEB12 27/06/2024 2.5124 2.5036
MLC Wholesale Inflation Plus - Assertive Portfolio LEB13 27/06/2024 1.2706 1.2687
Russell Investments Australian Cash Class A LEB14 27/06/2024 1.1845 1.1845
KeyInvest Term Deposits LEB15 27/06/2024 2.9450 2.9450
Smarter Money Fund - Institutional Class A LEB16 27/06/2024 1.1129 1.1102
Schroder Fixed IncomeFund - Wholesale Class LEB17 27/06/2024 0.9919 0.9894
Magellan Infrastructure LEB19 27/06/2024 1.2690 1.2652
Vanguard Balanced Index LEB2 27/06/2024 1.3261 1.3234
Fidelity Australian Shares LEB20 27/06/2024 1.5537 1.5475
Russell Investments Australian Shares Fund Class A LEB21 27/06/2024 2.7278 2.7186
Investors Mutual Australian Shares Value LEB22 27/06/2024 1.3138 1.3072
Investors Mutual Australian Shares Industrial LEB23 27/06/2024 1.3383 1.3316
Perpetual Australian Shares Geared LEB25 27/06/2024 1.9163 1.9020
Russell Investments International Shares Fund Class A LEB26 27/06/2024 3.1843 3.1764
Magellan Global Fund - Open Class Units LEB27 27/06/2024 1.7602 1.7578
iShares Australian Bond Index LEB28 27/06/2024 1.0041 1.0031
iShares Australian Equity Index LEB29 27/06/2024 1.1037 1.1019
Vanguard Growth Index LEB3 27/06/2024 1.4646 1.4620
iShares Australian Listed Property Index LEB30 27/06/2024 1.1264 1.1246
iShares International Equity Index LEB31 27/06/2024 1.1859 1.1840
iShares Hedged International Equity Index LEB32 27/06/2024 1.1160 1.1138
UBS Cash LEB33 27/06/2024 1.0416 1.0416
Pendal Short Term Income Securities LEB34 27/06/2024 1.0378 1.0372
Ardea Real Outcome Fund LEB35 27/06/2024 1.0086 1.0076
PIMCO Diversified Fixed Interest LEB36 27/06/2024 1.0087 1.0077
Martin Currie Real Income Fund Class A LEB37 27/06/2024 1.0250 1.0199
AllianceBernstein Managed Volatility Equities LEB38 27/06/2024 1.0331 1.0280
Greencape Broadcap Fund LEB39 27/06/2024 1.1115 1.1071
Vanguard High Growth Index LEB4 27/06/2024 1.5756 1.5731
WCM Quality Global Growth LEB41 27/06/2024 1.0945 1.0880
T. Rowe Price Global Equity Fund - I Class LEB42 27/06/2024 1.0565 1.0518
Alphinity Sustainable Shares LEB43 27/06/2024 1.1058 1.1014
BlackRock Diversified ESG Stable LEB44 27/06/2024 1.0348 1.0328
Vanguard Fixed Interest Index LEB5 27/06/2024 1.0381 1.0364
Vanguard Australian Property Securities Index LEB6 27/06/2024 1.3939 1.3923
Vanguard Australian Shares Index LEB7 27/06/2024 7.5298 7.5223
Vanguard International Shares Index LEB8 27/06/2024 1.9395 1.9372
Russell Investments Conservative Fund Class A LEB9 27/06/2024 1.2423 1.2380