Our Products

KeyInvest Funeral Bonds

The KeyInvest Funeral Bond is a tax-effective way to ensure funds are available for your loved ones to carry out your funeral wishes.

Choose investment options, savings plans, or select a Funeral Director. With no age or health restrictions, it may increase eligibility for Centrelink or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs entitlements*.

*Ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding to take out a financial product. Refer to the disclaimer below.[1]

As featured in

Managing Your Investment

We pride ourselves on our personalised care, seamless efficiency, and ensuring funds are available as early as possible.

Payment of Benefits

The selected ownership option determines the claim process and required documentation. Contact us so we can support you through the process.

Making Contributions

Don’t have the money upfront? Make additional contributions through a savings plan or lump sum payments.

Member Portal

With a member-owned policy, you will be able to view your balance, transactions, savings plan and BPAY details. (COMING SOON)

How does a Funeral Bond Work?

Funeral bonds provide a way for individuals to plan and save for their funerals in advance, easing the financial burden on their loved ones during a challenging time.


An investor can make contributions over time in lump-sum payments or regular instalments. When the investor passes away, the money in the bond is paid out to cover funeral-related costs, such as caskets, cemetery plots, cremation, and other funeral services.

The funds can be assigned and paid directly to the funeral director, simplifying the process for the family. Unlike funeral insurance, there are no age or health restrictions applicable.

Why Choose a Funeral Bond?

Funeral bonds provide reassurance and make it easier on loved ones to say goodbye and grieve. The unique tax-treatment of Funeral Bonds means they may also provide additional financial benefits depending on the circumstances.

Funeral Directors
Members and Family
Provide reassurance and a lasting family relationship

Provide reassurance for your client by setting aside funds to ensure their wishes are carried out. Support family members through the difficult process and build a family relationship that could last for generations.

Social Security Benefits

Contributions toward a funeral bond of up to $15,500[2] are exempt from Assets and Income tests through Centrelink and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Additional entitlements may be up to $1,209 for individuals, or $2,418 for couples with separate policies.

Tax Benefits

Funeral bonds are tax-paid investments, so earnings are not reported on an individual’s annual tax returns and do not form part of their assessable income.[3]

Your Investment Options

Protect against market fluctuations or choose from our diversified unitised options.

Capital Guarantee

Comprises funds managed by Janus Henderson and direct allocation in mortgage investments.

Conservative Index Fund

Vanguard Conservative Index Fund.

Balanced Index Fund

Vanguard Balanced Index Fund.

Growth Index Fund

Vanguard Growth Index Fund.

Forms & Resources

Take a look, everything you need is there.[5]